Tomorrow's the day!

     We are on our way.  We flew out of Tampa earlier this afternoon, had a two-hour layover in Chicago before heading on to Seattle.  We arrived late this evening and will take a shuttle to the cruise ship port about noon tomorrow.  So far things have gone smoothly.  However, I really did not feel like a savoy traveler today with the abundance of luggage we were hauling around.  We each have our two checked bags maxed out to the 50 allotted pounds and sported our two carry-ons each as well.  The good news is, once we get to the ship, we don't have change hotel rooms.  So, no more bag lugging for a couple months.
     There is a definite chill in the air, here in Seattle, this evening.  It's quite nice.  I think our first two countries (Russia and Japan) will be on cooler side, and the we'll have fairly moderate temperatures for the rest of the trip.  The boat pulls out at 5 p.m. tomorrow (local time) and then it's a week of sea days before arriving at our first port, Petropavlovsk, Russia.  That ought to be plenty of time to get settled in, become familiar with the ship, and establish a routine of normalcy.  I'm excited to meet some of the ship's staff and fellow guests as we get to know those with whom we'll be traveling with for the next couple of months.

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