
     A little over two years ago, my folks booked a 68-day Asia and Australia Grand Voyage cruise.  Shortly after doing so, my dad asked me if there was any possibility of me being able to go with them.  With my rather spontaneous, take life as it comes, personality, a commitment that was over two years out wasn't something that I was willing to do at the time.  A few months later, my dad mentioned it again, and used the words "Karen, I'd really like for you to go with us."  So, as a decent, respectful daughter, what was I to do, but agree to go along.  I have often been asked what one needs to do to apply for the "daughter" position within my family.  Sorry to inform everyone, but the position has already been filled and my folks are not taking any more applications at this time.
     We are now 2 days out from embarking on what could be seen as a "trip of a lifetime".  We set sail from Seattle, Washington at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept 23 and will not step foot on U.S. soil again until we arrive in Honolulu, Hawaii on the day after Thanksgiving.  And, we won't return home until a week later on December 3rd.  When it's all said and done, we will have spent a little over two months on a cruise ship, visiting 25 ports and a grand total of 13 countries (none of which I have ever before visited, besides the U.S.).  Needless to say, I am quite excited.  The plethora of unique cultures and people that we will see is what I look the most forward to, along with spending some quality time with my folks.  Your prayers are coveted as we embark on this adventure, specifically that our eyes and hearts are open to experience the people and places that the Lord brings across our path.  Thank you!

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