9/25/10 – Day 1 – The Motion of the Ocean

     Last night, while we slept, we continued north along the west coast of Canada’s Victoria Island.  The motion of the ocean was undeniable as we’re in some pretty high seas.  Not only is the Pacific Ocean noted for much more active seas than that of the Atlantic, but it’s my understanding that we are running into higher seas due to some weather out there somewhere.  Our captain assures us that he is and will continue to do his best to choose a route that assures the calmest seas possible (which as present isn’t very calm at all).  About 1:30 a.m. last night, it felt and sounded like we hit an iceberg, whale, or other large object.  There was a loud bump, which turned over our flower vase, as well as the various drinking glasses in our room.  I went out on our balcony…I didn’t see any object that we would have hit, other than the ginormous waves crashing on all sides of the ship.  Thankfully, neither I nor my parents are effected much by motion of the ship…other than it makes walking a bit more exciting than usual. We ended the day with a more westward course of the vessel off the coast near Ketchikan, Alaska.

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