9/27/10 – Day 3 – Sailing, Sailing…

     So, I know that over half of the earth is covered by water, but I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll ever see land again…not really, but all I’ve seen out of windows or off the decks for the past few days is water meeting sky.  I hope our captain knows where he’s going.  It’s actually quite beautiful.  We’ve been heading west through the large bay located south of the state of Alaska.  The captain says that we should be seeing land as we cut through the Aleutian Islands about 6 a.m. tomorrow just to the north of Unalaska. Weather permitting, we might even get to do some scenic cruising along the coast of the islands.  However, he also mentioned that it’s not looking too good at the moment.  Although the seas have calmed, he says they are going to kick up again as we head into the Bearing Sea.
     Today was a nice lazy, “I’m on vacation”, kind of day.  I did some reading and finally made it up to the gym this afternoon to workout.  My dad hasn’t missed a workout day yet, but personally I’d rather be snuggled in my bed at 6:30 in the morning.  I really do enjoy looking out at God’s creation, and that’s just what I did for 30 minutes from the bike and the elliptical machines.  It brings a nice sense of motivation to try to get up to the gym each sea day.
     My dad inquired at the front desk today and found out that I am not the youngest guest on the ship.  Supposedly, there is a 17 year-old as well as 3 in their 20’s, and a handful more in their 30’s.  The lady at the desk said that there are a grand total of 10 guests under 40.  However, I have yet to meet any of them.  Maybe I’ll suggest to the cruise director that we have an under 50 gathering sometime soon so we can find each other. 

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