8/3 – Day 12: Djupivogur, Iceland

            My main plan today was to find a place where I could get wifi, and snuggle in to study for most of the day.  However, I did want to spend a couple hours exploring this nice little port. We tendered into town on this chilly day.  I would compare Djupivogur to some of the small bush towns of Alaska.  There were no taxis to be found here.  We were hoping to find a local to take us around town and show us what’s what, however were unable to.  Instead, we took to the town on foot.  The “grass” here is spongy and tundra-like.  We walked through the little tourist information building, went through a handicraft shop, and then to “the” grocery store.  We visited the old town church, wrote some postcards and dropped them at the post office.  Then, we ended up at the hotel in town to use their wifi for the day.  I was able to get started on some of the research for my project for my group counseling class, and we used Skype to make some phone calls home.

The "town" map

Nice wildflowers in bloom

My folks on a park bench

The old church

Our ship in the background

A gentleman's "rock garden...a town highlight (if that tells you anything).

A boat in the harbor

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