8/9 – Day 18: A visit to Haarlem from Amsterdam (2nd day)

Welcome to Haarlem, the home town of Corrie Ten Boom

At this train station, they have a bike parking garage under the station.  I thought it was fun to see the locals walking their bikes down the stairs using the ingeniously designed bike track.

The cute, quaint town of Haarlem

The Dutch have some rather large shoes to fill.

The church where the Ten Boom family worshiped

Our volunteer guide through the Ten Boom home.  She spent 20 minutes of our hour tour preaching the Gospel with everyone seated in the family room.  There was a definite presence of the Spirit of the Lord.

The Ten Boom sisters.  Corrie is the youngest, pictured on the right.

Corrie in her later years

The hymn "You are My Hiding Place" setting on the Ten Boom piano.

The entrance to "The Hiding Place," on the bottom shelf on the cabinet, where 6 people (4 Jews) hid for 47 hours while the gestapo tore the house apart looking for them, but were unable to find them.

Me standing by the, now, hole in that exposed the "Hiding Place" for visitors to see.
Also, note the cabinet on the left, which was the same entrance, pictured above.  

The place in the molding of the stairwell that the gestapo found extra ration cards, for which Corrie and three other family members were imprisoned.

A poster of Corrie at the "Hiding Place" after the museum was established.

The Ten Boom family Bible

Me standing outside of the Ten Boom watch shop.  The house is on the upper floors.

A cheese shop...those Dutch are known for their cheese.

Catching the train back to Amsterdam.  It was a wonderful visit to Haarlem!

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