7/26/11 - Day 3 - Cap-aux-Meules, isle de la Madeleine, Quebec, Canada

            My main goal was to find an internet café somewhere and do some studying and communicating online, and that happened.  So, I guess that is called success.  This French-speaking island, belonging to the province of Quebec, was quite lovely.  They seem to be a simple people, with colorful wooden houses.  Their beaches are supposed to have the best sand in the world, although I’m not sure what makes it so.  My folks and I rode the shuttle bus to the end of town, probably a mile and a half from the pier, to a shopping center.  After perusing for a bit at the “mall,” I headed back toward the ship on foot to nestle into a café that I had seen from the shuttle.   After spending a few hours there, I meandered back to the ship, while popping into shops along the way.  I was happy to pick up a bag of “All-Dressed” potato chips, one of my Canadian favorites.

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