Day 6 - 7/30 - Cruising Prince Christian Sund, the southern tip of Greenland

            Today we woke up to icebergs everywhere.  We made our way over toward the entrance to Prince Christian Sund.  Unfortunately, after sending an aerial scout, we received word that the entrance was blocked with ice today, and that we would not be able to pass through.  However, we were able to spend about 4 hours, slowly making our way through the water amidst lots and lots of pieces of floating ice.  We were also fortunate to be able to see a plethora of seals sunning themselves and playing around the icebergs.  My folks and I played a game of Scrabble up in the “Crow’s Nest” while we slowly navigated out of the floating ice…didn’t want to have a Titanic repeat.  :-)

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