10/9/10 – Day 14 – A Day of Rest

     So, I slept in this morning.  I finally got up, had some breakfast, and then went back to bed.  I basically slept the day away.  It was nice to be able to so that after 4 port days in row going from early morning to late in the evening.  Still no Internet today as we sailed around the southern tip of Japan and took a Northwestern course toward our next port city of Beijing, China.  I guess that we’re sticking too close to shore and are still in Japanese waters, where it’s local law that our ship’s Internet must remain off.
     I really enjoyed our time in Japan.  I definitely think that it’s a country that I want to return to someday to visit for a longer period of time.  The people are quiet, yet very kind and hospitable.  They are quite proper and orderly, which I guess you have to be with so many people condensed into a small area.  Well, you don’t have to be, but it sure works better that way.  They are also very punctual and exact people.  Train travel is easy on the JR (Japanese Railway) line.  Their cities are incredibly modern and clean.  Nobody would even think of throwing a piece of trash on the street.  It’s just not proper.  And, to top it all off, the mountains and coastlines are very beautiful.  This is definitely a place where I want to spend some more time in the future.

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