11/8/10 - Cairns, Queensland, Australia - The Great Barrier Reef

     This morning we docked in Cairns, Australia.  We boarded a large catamaran, with 200 other people from the ship, and headed our to a large pontoon that is Anchored on Moore Reef about 30 miles off the coast.  Here we found ourselves at one of the world's wonders, the Great Barrier Reef.  It was amazing!  We first took a ride around the reef in a semi-submersible boat.  We then boarded a glass bottom boat and took another tour around.  Next was a bar-b-q lunch.  After lunch, my dad and I went snorkeling in the swim area just off the pontoon.  Later, around 3 p.m, we (me and my dad) went on a guided snorkel safari out at "the drop off" outer shelf of the reef.  This is where all of the big predator fish hang out.  Our guide pointed out a reef shark.  My dad saw it, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find it.  However, I did see lots of other fish and the beautiful varieties of coral...pretty impressive.  So, I can now say I've been to the Great Barrier Reef.  Not to be a downer, but honestly I feel like the snorkeling was comparable to that which I've done in the Caribbean. Both are equally impressive, in my opinion.  However, the thing that stands out about the Great Barrier Reef is its size.  It stretches over 1000 miles, which is actually an interconnected system of about 3000 smaller reefs.  It's big!  Anyway, I enjoyed visiting this amazing underwater world.  I am always amazed at how much of God's beautiful creation we miss out on by being land animals.  There's a whole other world under the sea's surface to be explored.  I was definitely reminded today of how huge and amazingly beautiful our God truly is. 
     After our time at Moore Reef, we once again boarded the catamaran for the 90 minute ride back to our ship.  We then relaxed, showered, and grabbed some dinner before heading out into the town of Cairns about 8:00 p.m.  We walked about 8 blocks down to the town's night market, shopped, spent some money on cheap Australian souvenirs and then back to the ship for some Internet time.  (I don't get much sleep when we have unlimited Internet for the night.)   We don't leave port until 9:30 in the morning because we have to wait for high tide to get this big ship back out into the ocean from this city.  Then, it's two days at sea before our next stop at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia where I get to hold a koala bear.  :)

Me snokeling at the Great Barrier Reef

The semi-submersible boat
We actually sat below the water level and observed

Our catamaran (on left) docked to the anchored pontoon (right) at Moore Reef off of Cairns, Australia

A variety of the diverse corals found on the ocean floor

The staff have named this fish Wally
He hangs around the snorkeling platform and loves people
He lets you pet him and take pictures with him

The glass bottom boat

Can you find Nemo?

Being my favorite color, I liked the blue coral the best
Plus, I don't think that I had ever seen blue coral in my previous snorkeling endevours

My dad and snorkeling partner 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen! I got your message today - thanks! Sounds like you are having an amazing experience - I've been reading through a few of your posts - and I was thinking about you guys recently, wondering where you were and when you were coming back and hoping you'd call eventually when you were home... then I realised tonight that I could read all about your adventures on your blog! lol. Anyways, I'm sorry I missed your call. I slept through everything today but I needed it after three 12hr night shifts with little sleep in between. Anyways, God bless and I'll talk to you later! It was good to hear from you - hope you have lots of fun.
