Day 70 - 12/2/10 - San Diego, CA

It is with a sense of bitter sweetness that we have arrived back in the good ole' U.S. of A.  The places we've visited and the people we've met along the way have produced a plethora of lifetime memories and a treasure of valuable experiences.  I have pictures and stories for anyone willing to sit with me over coffee (well, those of you who know me, know I won't be drinking any coffee) or the like to look and listen.  It truly has been a joy to share my journey with each of you via this blog.  It's also served to provide me with the necessary accountabilty to be (at least somewhat) disciplined in keeping a written record of my journey.  I know I have skipped a few ports (Hong Kong, Vietman, Thailand, Sydney, and Samoa are the ones that I recall).  It is my hope to "catch up" on those sometime within the next week before things become too distant to accurately remember.  If nothing else, I'll at least go back and post some pictures with captions of those ports to complete my travel blog.  So, you may have to go back and look for those if you're interested.  Also,I intend on doing a "reflections of the journey" post.  Blessings to each of you and may you have a "great day today and an even better day tomorrow!"

Our ship docked at the Port of San Diego